Last decade had seen several technology disruptions, with so many different technologies like Internet of things, Block chain, Big data it’s always a challenge to understand the what, why and how-to?
What? What are those different technologies?
Block chain: If you had invested in Bitcoin in the beginning of year 2017, you might be one of those people who made millions by trading them (well I am one of them).
As you see the popularity of this Digital Cryptocurrency (which is based on block chain) has increased multiple folds.
Digital currency is one of the application based on block chain technology, in simple word it is a global network like a chain where the transactions are recorded in network rather than individual computer to make it more secure and hack proof.

Internet of things:
As we all know how powerful is internet. This would become even more powerful when you allow it to connect it with your daily life and “things” around you. Think about a scenario where you have a person who is suffering from diabetes. He travels to Germany from India for work, he checks-in to his hotel open the fridge and get tempted by ice cream inside. While he tries to eat it, fridge gives him a warning indicating he should avoid eating Sugar!
This describe what internet of things technology can do.
Big data:
As our Dear friend Dilbert explains: BIG data,

In simple word its unstructured data which can be powerful if you structure it with analytical tools.
In day to day life we see BIG DATA everywhere starting from taking a train to work till going to bed while watching Game of thrones. Information around us can be used to gain edge in your business, growing your exports/imports, expanding your organization etc.
Machine learning:
If you have seen the news how Google’s Deepmind AI which teach itself how to run and walk you will be aware how this can impact the future business and enterprise. May be you would not need to create sales order or purchase orders, but your software might do it for you.
So now the question which you are waiting for, what is SAP Leonardo ?
Well in simple words it’s a kitchen which provide you knifes, plates, spices etc. to cook very good meal using ingredients like IoT, Machine learning, BIG DATA.
So how SAP Leonardo going to help you,

Let’s say Mr. Bond is a retailer who sells meats and frozen goods. He has 100 storage units and 1000+ freezers to store those items.
Connecting all those “things” with internet, using predictive analytics capabilities provided by mentioned technologies. It can be managed very well. Which reduces the cost, products are not expired due to poor planning and end of day business grows.
What SAP Leonardo offers from Developer or technical perspective.
IT provides reusable micro-services that brings set of tools to rapidly build Solutions on mentioned technologies like Block chain, IOT, BIG data.
Also configuration which can be easily leveraged.
Taking an example of internet of things:
It provides services to manage scalable messages to avoid data lose due to latency issues. -Device protocol conversion, Security checking for various devices.